Random pictures

The kids love to play animals and they always play out a scene from Bolt where the dog begs for food at the trailer park and gets treats and when the cat does it they throw stuff at it. Here are four dogs at the door of my kitchen begging for treats. When they make a really good sweet and pitiful face I might even give them a treat. I think it is hilarious.

Ok, so we have just made stuffed bell peppers for the first time and we feel like we’ve been missing out cause they were delicious! And, it helps that bell peppers taste wonderful here and are cheaper. That and we top it with French cheese of course.

A huge sunflower I bought from the market to decorate our entryway. Cheapest flower in France that weekend. I bought a small yet huge bouquet for only 1.50 euros!

Family movie night. They are just too cute.

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Ali came home from a sleepover and declared she wanted a bob. Wow! So, I thought about how to do it for a few days and a friend gave me some pointers. It turned out pretty good. She looks so so cute and now it flips under all by itself. Fun times! What a pretty girl!

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Happy old day, I mean birthday Mark

Ok, so I don’t have many pictures but I have some of the Long-John’s we made for his bday.

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Zoe’s baby

Zoe found her second or spare lovey and so I copied her.

Silly mommy!

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Oh to the dairy farm we go!

We have been buying milk from the same dairy farmer at the market every Saturday since we have been here. I mean rain, snow, shine we are there buying milk and even some other dairy products. One saturday we were invited out to his farm and we decided to take him up on it. We took a bus to another nearby town and then had to walk nearly a mile and a half up a small mountain to get there. Some of our friends here came with us and that made it even more fun!

Starting up the mountain!

Caleb was not a happy guy going up.
We passed by all kinda of different houses, shops and even a honey farm on the way to the top!

We saw more different types of flowers than I could count too!

Caleb is still not having fun but the rest of us are!

Resting and snacking on the side of someone’s driveway.

Finally to the top! This is Ali in the field with the cows. If you look out to the horizon you can even see the lake!

These must be the happiest cows on earth! Endless green fields, as much water as they need, shade, shelter when it snows and even a gorgeous view!

I’m not gonna lie, these cows are huge! I’ve never been so close to a cow before. This city girl was shocked!

Zoe was horrified the entire time. She wouldn’t stand for being put on the ground. She was not ok with the cows. But she loves their milk and even more their cheese.

We also got to see his “shop” where he makes the cheese and other dairy products. He took us down to his cheese cellar and even in the heat of the summer is we cold down there! It was so amazing to see where our milk comes from and it gives a whole new meaning to fresh and local. These cows are just less than 5 miles away from where we live! Doesn’t get any better than that!

Back down the mountain.

Over the freeway.


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Yummy food!

Gee, now that I’ve blogged about exercise let me blog about food! Hahahaha, here is one of our favorite meals! It is super easy and mindless for us to make. I cook up any and every veggie in the fridge and Mark throws it in rice papers and we toss it in the oven! Yummy! It is also a good way for me to get rid of any leftovers. Nothing tastes better than eating your veggies baked in rice paper!

Yeah well, we’ve got to live a little. Here is Ali’s seven donut for her seventh bday! Another Spangler ritual is making donuts on your birthday.


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Ode to health

Mark and I live life with our kids so that they will not just be told our values but also be shown them. Part of us is eating real food to stay healthy and also exercising as part of life. I was doing some sort of stretching video after a run to loosen up and the kids just had to join in.

I’m so proud of my kids wanting to stay fit and healthy. Ali and the boys love to put on music and lay our their blankets and start exercising because they see us do it and because they think it is fun! I don’t enjoy running any better than if one of my kids is right along with me on their bike. Now, that is living life and seeing a part of France together! After every run I literally thank God for giving me my body and pray that he would me for his glory.

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I love rockin’ music!

So, the evening of my ninth anniversary there was a “fete de la musique” or music festival as we would call it. But, this party was all over downtown. From our house you could hear two bands playing at the same time. There were over twenty stages and over 120 bands that played that night. The party started at 6:30 and ended after midnight. We heard music of all kinds. There were style of music that I’ve never even heard of. We Heard, reggae,
Folk, rock, jazz, and we even watched a man play the washboard and someone with an accordion. It was a great evening but we weren’t prepared for the rain so we came home early. I heard stairway to heaven play while I was putting the kids to bed and then again an hour later by a different band. What a fun evening and whoever thought up a citywide party to celebrate music for free was a genius. It is actually country wide. Each town big or small plays music every evening on June 21st. Bands big or small take to the stage or just the street corner and play to their heart content. There is something for every music lover.

These are just pictures of the a nearby plaza. The rain kept us from taking too many more pictures.


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Happy 9th year anniversary

Ok so, I was sitting in class and it was nearing the end of my school day when the teacher not only mentioned the date but wrote it on the board to be clear. I immediately recognized the date as my anniversary and nearly fell apart. Needless to say, I learned nothing else in class that day. I had forgotten my ninth anniversary! Only men are supposed to do that! I rushed home not sure what to do and to my surprise this is what was waiting for me. Not only had Mark remembered but he had run all around town buying flowers and meat for a special lunch so he could surprise me. What an awesome guy and an awesome surprise!


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Happy Fathers Day!

I know, you are wishing you were my dad right now cause then I’d make you this for Fathers Day. Well, so sorry that position is filled. Hahaha, ok seriously, Zoe thought it looked so good she went in for a bite while I was taking a picture and she is so cute that we let her 🙂

Cherries are cheap, delicious, and in season and so Mark got to have his dreams come true with a French dessert for Fathers day. We have done this tart again but in strawberry for his bday. I’m thinking he is liking this whole tart thing.

We did a little photo shoot for Fathers day. I’m a so proud!


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