Youth Day

So, not too many Mondays ago we took the day off of school an went down to a local event called Youth Day. For about two weeks the kids practiced and practiced how to march and dance so they could show off for everyone on Youth Day. So, we thought it would be great to go see everyone. Our kids saw all of their friends march!

Here are a few pictures of what we saw.

We know of few of these young ones from church and the neighborhood. They were lined up ready to march.

This school was lookin good and the girls in yellow were twirling hoops.

Here are some older girls waiting to march.

Here are some friends marching.

So, we asked a lot of questions and couldn’t seem to grasp the idea behind the day and the marching. It sure was fun getting out as a family and seeing most of our friends and kids friends. We took loads of pictures for our friends as most of them don’t have a camera. Now to get them printed out! Hahaha! Maybe next year we will learn more about this event.

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