How could I not share this picture!

Some friends were over and the older kids were making Christmas cards at the table. This little one, Gift, was propped up on our couch until Mark came home and saw her. “Gift is looking tired,” Mark declares as he snatches her off the couch and sits in our glider chair. Only a short few minutes later her eyes were drooping and she was out. Mark smiles with triumph and says, “I’ve still got it. The baby whisperer.”

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Our Chickens are growing

These suckers are growing like weeds. They love to roam the front yard all day eating bugs!

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Happy Saturday! Mark is repurposing some weird shaped wood around the house to make me a chicken coop. Here are the chicks enjoying the bugs in my garden and resting in the sun.

Here is the beginnings of our chicken coop.

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New addition to our home!

We have been planning on how to get yummy homegrown eggs and here is the first addition to our egg farm! Stay tuned for more pictures as Mark builds a chicken run and coop!

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Happy First Day of Advent

I always look forward to the fall when we celebrate Thanksgiving and then on to Christmas where we get to focus more, and celebrate the birth of the Messiah, who came to seek and save the lost. There is so much to be thankful for each year, even through our toughest, hardest years. Through the years we have begun several traditions with our children and we have such great memories of these things each year. One of the traditions we do with our kids is the advent, which begins today. Normally we read and talk about a small piece of the Christmas story and then pull a piece of our nativity scene out. Sometimes we might give them a small gift or something to remind them of that days portion of the story. This year feels so much different than ever before. When I look outside, walk through the neighborhood, or go into town there is nothing that reminds me of Christmas in America or even France. Part of this is so sad but part of it may just turn out to be refreshing. I have no Christmas decorations to put up besides one ornament that some friends just gave us yesterday and a string of lights that I found this morning under the bed. We are thankful for these things but they are unnecessary for us to celebrate our favorite time of year.
This year for our advent we have decided to do more activities that will remind of us Christ’s love for us as well as showing others. We will still read over the parts in scripture that talk about Christ’s birth but we will also pray for those who need to know and feel His love, take treats to our neighbors, help some families in need, visit some who are struggling in the hospital, and spend time as a family reflecting and talking about Christ and how we can share his love with others this upcoming year. I hope to document some of our advent this year on our blog. Merry Christmas!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

We’ve had a lot of exciting days lately and today was like no other. The day started super early for this night owl, by Mark leaving the house at 5:30 (I think) and our neighbor ringing the doorbell to pick up Micah at 6:30. Mark was going to the airstrip to ready the helicopter for a day of flying and Micah was going to watch our Thanksgiving turkey be, well…. Offed. Many families are coming from far and wide for Thanksgiving dinner at our house. Eric found a tip on a turkey and checked it out. So, he
Came with a turkey in a box! Hahaha, then he took it to a friend who is good at “cleaning” the bird. His kids and our Micah thought it would be cool to wake up early and go see this process and my friend Susan was brave enough not only to take them but to take pictures. So, I am sharing them with you.

Transporting the turkey

More transporting. Anywhere into the neighborhood here is a hike up or down the mountain.

A picture with our dinner 🙂

Hog tied turkey

The site of the offing

Our friend Mami Joel

Dead bird being plucked.

And then cleaned. Yes, those are head and feet.

Mark flying over her house as all this is going on.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Daddy’s little helper

Here is a video of Zoe helping grind beef for dinner.

YouTube Video

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Some of our market-day produce

Where is the pumpkin?

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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Soccer Camp

Here are some pictures of last weeks soccer camp. Mark and I both help coach. Hard to believe huh? Yes, that is right Jess works with little kids for over an hour! Hahaha, God is good 🙂

Passing out jerseys

Over 235 kids last week! We will post more pictures soon!

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Electricity and Reese’s

Happy movie night!
This chocolatey goodness was brought from the US of A

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